Global Fund HIV
SFH as one of the Principal Recipients was responsible for the implementation of HIV Prevention
In 2018 national estimates, the estimated adult national HIV prevalence in Ghana is 1.69%. SFH implements HIV prevention programmes for the General Population, Key Population, Paediatrics…
In 2018 national estimates, the estimated adult national HIV prevalence in Ghana is 1.69%. SFH implements HIV prevention programmes for the General Population, Key Population, Paediatrics (Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV -PMTCT) and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC).
SFH’s deep-rooted expertise in HIV and TB programming is shaping the future of disease prevention and treatment in Ghana. We do this by providing universal access to high-quality, patient-centred prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services for TB, TB/HIV, and drug-resistant TB.
Nigeria, being the most populous African nation has a population of over 140 million people. With a general population adult HIV prevalence of 3.6% (FMOH 2007) and 4.4% among women attending antenatal clinics, the country has the world’s third largest burden of people living with HIV/AIDS after South Africa and India. The population of people living with HIV/AIDS is estimated to be 3.86 million, and AIDS related deaths average 310,000 per year.
The Society for Family Health implements the Global Fund Round 5 project which commenced in January 2007. The overall goal of the project is to reduce HIV/AIDS-related mortality and morbidity. SFH is responsible for objective 2 of the programme, which aims at expanding access to HIV testing and counselling services to cover all 37 States of the country. Counselling and testing(C&T) is an important entry point to HIV/AIDS prevention and care. People who know their HIV status are better able to take appropriate individual and collective measures to prevent transmission of HIV. C&T also enables HIV positive people to enter treatment early, access care and support and so increase their chances of better health outcomes. It is expected that there will be an increased number of people who know their HIV status, entering into treatment, care and support, leading to reduced morbidity and mortality from HIV and AIDS in Nigeria at the end of the programme. SFH currently also implements the Round 9 grant of the Global Fund in Nigeria.
Multiple partners (known as sub recipients (SRs) support SFH to implement the counselling and testing component of the project. Family Health International and Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria are the SRs managing the provision of services to Public and Private Facilities respectively. Nigeria Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) and Gede Foundation are the SRs for training, while Crown Agents and International Dispensary Association (IDA) act as commodity procurement agencies. Through the project, SFH has ensured the availability of standard HIV C&T health infrastructures in 108 public and private health facilities, procured over 221,000 rapid test kits for various health facilities and opened 137 testing sites in the first year of the project and 108 in the second year.
SFH also implements the Enhancing Nigeria’s Response to HIV and AIDS programme. The ENR programme is a six year, integrated HIV prevention and institutional strengthening programme, funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). The programme commenced on January 19, 2009, with the signing of the contract between the Society for Health (SFH) and DFID. ENR is managed by a consortium, with the Society for Family Health as the managing agent. Other members of the consortium are ActionAid Nigeria, Population Services International (PSI), BBC World Service Trust, Options Consultancy Services, Benguela Health Pty, Population Council and Crown Agents.
With the goal of contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 6, ENR seeks to reduce the spread of HIV epidemic and mitigate the impact of AIDS on the lives of the most at risk and vulnerable groups. ENR therefore has the purpose of ensuring sustained behaviour change among the most at risk, through increased and consistent use of condoms, improved access to effective HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support information and services.
ENR is currently operational in eight selected states, namely Benue, Cross River, Enugu, Kaduna, Nasarawa, Akwa Ibom, Lagos and Ogun. The project has a Programme Steering Committee (PSC) that provides external advisory support; and a Partner’s Management Council (PMC) that sees to partnership issues and the provision of strategic oversight.
SFH as one of the Principal Recipients was responsible for the implementation of HIV Prevention
The Lafiyan Yara (Well-being of children) is a three-year project funded by AIDSFONDS and fully
Comprehensive Integrated Approach to HIV Prevention and Care in Nigeria (CIHPAC) cihpac-end-of-project-evaluation-report-2011-final-copy-to-usaid
37 Adjei Crescent East Legon Accra, Ghana.