
Women’s Health Project

Women’s Health Project — Happy Mother’s Network

The Women’s Health Project (WHP) a 7 year project started in 2008 and is implemented in phases, the first phase was for 2 years, 2nd phase 2 years and presently in the 3rd phase which is for 3 years funded through SFH’s International partner, Population Services International (PSI) by an individual donor. The aim of the project is to reduce the incidences of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in Nigeria. It is currently implemented in 22 states and FCT.  The major goals of this project are:

• Expand the child spacing options, particularly long term methods such as IUCD and Implants among women of reproductive age (18-45 years).

• Provide Post Abortion Care  services which is a series of medical and related interventions designed to manage the complications of miscarriages and incomplete spontaneous abortion (both safe and unsafe), and address women’s related health – care needs  by the use of Misoprostol in the medical  management.

There are 308 WHP partner facilities with The Happy Mother’s Network across the 22 WHP states and the project plans to scale up to other states in the course of the project. WHP has been launched successfully in 12 states with the National Launch in Abuja. The main implementation strategies of WHP are Service delivery at WHP partner facilities and the conduct of Clinic Support Days in these facilities as well as reach rural community members through the demand creation agents in the communities.

Project achievements: Since the inception of the project in 2008, private sector facilities have had a revamp of their family planning services where 308 providers in our network can now competently offer quality services in Long Term Methods (LTMs) (i.e IUDs & Implants). WHP has recorded the following achievements;

• Improved the quality of care standards in our private partner facilities form 0% to 91%, Detailing of Misoprostol, IUDs and Implants to more providers (Private and public) even those not in the network,

• Produced quality IEC materials that have been accepted in the international arena among other 13 WHP countries,

• Have won an award in recognition of quality assessment tools.

• Have had 3 External Quality Audits which showed marked improvement in the 2012 and 2013 results especially as regards our Infection Prevention Protocols and support to our private providers.

• Have established a Non Monetary Incentive scheme which recognises high performers and they in turn are recognised which is a motivating factor for increased output.

• Established a no stock out syndrome from the constant supply of products from our detailers, facilities are experiencing increase in clientele for other health related areas.

• The project has been a bedrock for our nascent Social Franchise which has facilitated increase in health service areas (our scope).  Community members are now happier and take decisions on FP (LTMs) as they can now access a sector that they thought were  only for the rich and in turn get quality service within their economic power.mo

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